in the good old days when blogging first started all you needed to do was WRITE
great content and you were set. These days however the web has come a long way,
making it simple for bloggers to create dynamic content that can grab a users
imagination both on-site and off-site.
you’re writing a political blog, a blog about technology or managing a site
about healthy eating these five types of content can help better engage your
audience while providing more ways to reach new followers.
HD Video
word for the wise, don’t simply write “watch my review of this product” instead
give a full write-up on the page where your video is being shown, this
increases time-on-site, helps your page get indexed and gives users who can’t
watch a video at the time reason to stay on your site and read the written part
of your content. If your written content is really good that user might go back
and watch your video when they can.
Podcasts are great for on-site listening they also get users engaged off-site
which can in turn make your property more attractive to advertisers.
quick tip with podcasts, make sure to always tie some of your conversation back
to the website. For example you might say “I wrote a nice piece about
co-blogging on the site yesterday.” This ensures that your listeners convert
back into readers by leaving something to desire for at a later time.
are nice because a lot of web readers like to absorb information quickly and in
a visual manner and infographics allow that to happen.
tip: Create your own infographics with useful information and other sites will
grab the graphic from your website, share it on their own and provide a link
back to your website. There are literally companies that will sell you
exclusive rights to infographics that match your industry and then help you get
it displayed on many websites with link-backs.
are also nice because they can let you determine the “flow” of your content by
pushing users in a certain direction while they think “what’s next.”
well thought out Slideshow allows you to direct your content and because it
takes time to interact with it allows for longer “time on site” statistics
which advertisers love.
PDF & Other Document Downloads
and other documents don’t necessarily need to be based on the content on the
site, you could be providing a free e-book in PDF form or offering supplemental
directions for a how-to-article you just wrote. The trick is to make the
downloadable content engaging and something users don’t just need to read once
to fully comprehend.
are just a few tips on content creation. The trick to remember is that your
users want to be engaged immediately, conveniently and if possible once they
leave your website, you just have to give them those options.
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