1| Dhirubhai Ambani (28 December 1932 - 6 July 2002)
Business Magnate
Dhirubhai Ambani is the most famous businessman of India. Ask even a 5 year old in India, and he/she will know about Dhirubhai Ambani or atleast about his last name. In all his life, he learnt and applied. From his student life in dusty lanes of a small village in Gujarat to the major seaport city of Aden and finally in Bombay where he become the doyen of the Indian industry. All his life he had been doing only one thing and that is to learn and apply.
After doing his matriculation; though he wanted to continue study, Dhirubhai went to Aden, Yemen to earn money as his home's financial condition was not good. In Aden he worked with a trading firm as a clerk. In those days, Aden was the second-most busiest port in the world, and traders from across the world came there for business. He learnt the ins and outs of trading, read every thing that he could lay his hands on.