How to best use your Shampoo and Conditioner

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Your hair is one of the first features a person notices when they look at you. So, naturally, you always want your hair to look its best! Any great hairstyle looks better when your hair is clean and soft. But, are you surprised to know that not everyone washes their hair correctly? Read on to learn how to properly apply shampoo and conditioner to your hair. First thing that should be kept in mind is to choose a shampoo and conditioner that suits you the best. For this, you need to know your hair type. If your scalp is too dry or too oily, you should take special care in choosing the products. The second thing is to understand how to use them properly and effectively.

Here are a few tips that you can follow to use your shampoo and conditioner effectively.

  • First, determine if your hair is fine, dry, normal, oily, color treated, etc. This will determine which shampoo and conditioner is suitable for you.
  • Brush your hair before washing.
  • If your scalp is too dry, apply some oil to the scalp evenly and give a massage properly. Leave it for five minutes before starting to wash.
  • Saturate your hair with cool water. Do not use warm or hot water since it can make your hair and scalp drier than usual.
  • Apply a small amount of shampoo to your palm. Rub your hands together to make a small lather. Distribute evenly on the scalp.
  • Clean your scalp with the balls of your fingers. Try and minimize the movement as much as possible since wet hair is easily damageable.
  • Rinse your hair properly. Make sure that the shampoo is rinsed out properly.
  • Remove excess water from your hair by squeezing it. Wrap around a towel for a few minutes.
  • Do not apply your conditioner just after rinsing, when the hair is too wet. This makes the use of conditioner less effective.
  • Remove the towel and take some conditioner on your palm. Apply your conditioner by smoothing it over the hair.
  • Comb through hair to distribute product evenly. Leave the conditioner as long as possible to make the hair smooth.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cool water. Do not brush your hair when it is too wet.
  • Do not apply your conditioner just after rinsing, when the hair is too wet. This makes the use of conditioner less effective.


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