best Ayurvedic tips for migraine relief

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Here are some of the best Ayurvedic tips for migraine relief:

  • Varanadhi Gritham (grithams are medicated ghee), Kalyana Gritham and Ksheerabala are recommended in dosages prescribed by the physician. Also Varanadhi Gritham and Ksheerabala 101 can also be used in the Nasya procedure. They can also be used for the head massage or for dhara procedure.
  • Mix boiled tuar dal with milk, and drin after dinner regularly.
  • The extract of medicinal plant Vaatham kolli can be inhaled for relief.
  • Make a small ball with crushed black jeerah (black cumin seeds), tied in a muslin cloth, and inhale it as often as possible.
  • Dry ginger and the root of koovalam plant (also known as ‘bael’ in Hindi, and ‘golden apple’ or ‘stone apple’ in English with Aegle marmelose as scientific name) can be ground together and applied on the forehead.
  • Mukkutti (Biophytum sensitivum) can be ground and applied on either sides of the forehead.
  • Herbs such as Moovilaveru (pseudarthria viscida) Orilaveru (desmodium gangeticum), can be applied on either sides of the forehead in the form of a paste, and can also be used for inhalation through the Nasya procedure.
  • Balahatadi, Surasadhi, and Ksheerabala oils can be used as massage oils, as recommended by the physician before bathing in the morning.
  • Use Brahmarasayana, Chyawanprash, Agasthyarasayana, and other such medicines for effective migraine relief.
  • Performing pranayama regularly can help considerably in relieving migraine attacks.
  • The extract of the plant Poovam Kurunnila (Ash coloured fleabane or ‘Vernonia cinerea’) can be effective, if used for local application, and massaged on the head.


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