7 Best Tips to Impress Your Boss

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1. Do Your Job Well
Show up on time. Attend the meetings you’re supposed to attend. Hit your deadlines. Make sure you excel in the core duties of your position. In general, do what you’re supposed to do. If your boss can’t count on you to do the basics, your chances of impressing him take a nosedive.

2. Take Initiative
But don’t think that just mastering the basics of your job is enough. Make sure your boss knows you’re available — eager, even — to take on additional duties and special projects when possible. The point isn’t to become a dumping ground for extra work — it’s to demonstrate that you are capable of performing at a higher level.

3. Speak Up
This is an area where the bad bosses get separated from the good ones. Bad bosses are annoyed when someone voices a differing opinion. The good ones welcome it. Don’t be shy about speaking up when something doesn’t sound right. But don’t just naysay — always provide alternatives and suggestions. But realize (even if you know you’re right) that it’s the boss’ privilege to make the final decision. Have your say; back it up; and move on.

4. Have Solutions
If you encounter a problem, take some time to figure out how to solve it. Even if the problem is something that you need to report to your boss, you should have a few possible solutions to suggest. Even if your boss chooses a different route, no biggie.  It’s showing yourself to be a problem solver that counts.

5. Lend a Hand
You’re up to date on your work and a coworker is in the weeds? Prime time for  Pinterest, right? Not quite. Impress your boss by being a team player and offering to help out your beleaguered colleague. This will show that you’re at work to get the work done, whether or not it falls directly under your purview (if a coworker is chronically underperforming, however, it may be time to have a talk with the boss. Hopefully he’ll be receptive because he’s already so impressed by you).

6. Contribute to the Big Picture
Understand how your role fits into the organization’s big picture — and keep that in mind as you perform your duties day-to-day.  Don’t work in a vacuum. Make sure that what you do contributes to the organization attaining it’s overall goals. In short: Be useful.

7. Take Credit
Don’t be overly modest. When something goes exceptionally well, let your boss know. There’s no shame in highlighting your accomplishments (but remember to give credit to all involved).


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