Incredible Wooden Artwork

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Without reading our title, can you guess what these animal sculptures are made of? Look at those furry-looking animal sculptures, it is still hard for us to believe they are actually made of Wooden Chip. Created by Artist Sergey Bobkov, 54, he made below life-sized sculptures from cutting chips from the Siberian cedar for an exhibition of his works in a local school at Kozhany, southwest of Krasnoyarsk.
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov

The inspiration behind these incredible sculptures for Sergey Bobkov is to create something out of nothing in a completely new way. To create those artwork, Bobkov has developed his very own technique, that prevents wood-chips from falling apart, in time. After creating about 100-150 chips, from 2-3 inch long cedar stick, he puts them in water for several days. Then, making use of his surgical precision, he carves the chips into any shape he needs, life-size sables, squirrels, owls and so on. [source],[source]
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov


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