Home Remedies for Sore Throats & Strep Throats

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Difference Between Sore Throat and Strep Throat

A strep infection can be mild or severe, with fever occurring on the second day after infection and a red throat, sometimes with white patches, and swollen lymph nodes. A sore throat can also be mild or severe, and there can be fever, but that is less likely. In general, a person with strep throat will feel more weak and lethargic than a person with a sore throat. A throat swab at a medical office can quickly diagnose a strep throat, and this is important because antibiotics are frequently prescribed for a strep bacterial infection but not for a sore throat, which is much more common.


Turmeric is an herb used to flavor food and an ingredient of curry, but it is also an anti-inflammatory agent. Gargling with turmeric can help reduce the inflammation of a sore throat. Put 1 tsp of turmeric in a 6-oz glass of warm water and gargle. This can be repeated every few hours. Eating foods containing turmeric is also beneficial.


Drink plenty of liquid to treat a sore throat. Warm broths and water are advised by the University of Maryland Medical Center. You should avoid alcoholic beverages and soda.


Honey is a natural antiseptic, acting to kill germs in the throat. The University of Maryland advises the use of honey to treat a sore throat but not for children younger than age 1 year. A spoon of honey can be used as a natural cough syrup or mixed with a dash of lemon, which cuts through mucus in the throat as well.


Garlic, also known by its Latin name Allium sativa, can prevent colds and speed the healing of sore throats. Garlic has been shown to speed healing by at last one day, and it can reduce the pain of a sore throat as well. Rutgers University recommends adding garlic to warm salt water for a gargle, using a teaspoon of salt in 8 oz of water. Pregnant women, those breastfeeding and those taking blood thinners are advised to consult with a medical professional before taking garlic.


Peppermint is good for sore throats because it can cut the mucus and speed healing. It is soothing to the throat. Honey can be added to mint tea for added healing benefits.


If symptoms persist for three days, consult a medical specialist. Also seek help if white patches appear in the throat or if the tonsils become enlarged, recommends the Rutgers University .


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