Try These Tips for A Gorgeous White Smile

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f you want your teeth to be whiter, you need to get your teeth cleaned regularly. Getting cleanings consistently is a great way to get your teeth as white as possible. Cleanings twice a year are highly recommended.
For a quick whitening on the go, keep a tooth whitening pen in your purse or office desk. You must use care when applying this product because it contains a gel that has bleach-like properties. You need to be careful with this method so you don’t use it too much.
Avoid dark drinks and foods that may stain your teeth. Grapes and berries are to be avoided if you want white teeth, because they leave very noticeable stains. Coffee darkens the teeth, and soda pop has acids and food coloring that cause staining. Avoiding these foods will prevent your teeth from becoming yellow and keep them their whitest.
To avoid tooth problems and keep your smile white, avoid citrus fruits, like oranges. Do not drink any juice from these fruits. The juice contains citric acid, which can damage your teeth. You should especially not consume any citrus product before bed, because this can contribute to acid reflux, which has a bearing on your teeth.
One old tip to get whiter teeth is to brush with salt. Salt is a natural remedy that can help remove stains from your teeth. Be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly after brushing your teeth. Brushing with salt is abrasive, so don’t overdo it.
Although mouthwashes help to improve the health of your mouth, they also cause teeth discoloration. If you need to use mouthwash, choose one that isn’t a bright color and one that isn’t too strong.
You can use strawberries to whiten teeth. Enzymes that are naturally present in these berries can whiten teeth without the use of harsh, chemical ingredients. You can either mash them into a paste and brush it on then leave it for five minutes, or you can cut the strawberry in half and rub it on your teeth while you watch TV or read.
Try eating crunchier foods. Some foods that may help are carrots, celery, and apples. These crunchy foods act as a mild abrasive and help clean your teeth as you are eating them. Do not cut or otherwise alter the produce before you bite; it is imperative that you bite it whole to be effective.
For whiter teeth, try chewing fresh herbs, like parsley or cilantro. There are substances in these natural foods that help to combat germs and bacteria, which can cause tooth discoloration. However, remember to also use toothpaste on a regular basis.
You should not whiten your teeth if you have unfilled cavities or gum disease. Take precautions if you have these issues so that you will not do further damage. Ask your dentist if teeth whitening is a good idea for you.
Professional whitening services are the most reliable and a productive way to whiten your teeth in the long run. They can be take a few short visit, and the dramatic results will last be long lasting. Dentist use teeth whitening products that aren’t available to the public at stores.
When food particles are left in your mouth, there is the potential for them to cause staining, especially dark ones. Avoid these stains by chewing a sugar free gum after meals. This will dislodge any food particles and keep them from staining your teeth.


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