Eight Steps to Improve your Self-esteem:

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Step-1: Recognize and admit the problem

If you could not answer “Yes” to the above question then it’s time for you to take a good honest evaluation of yourself.
Being honest with yourself is the first step on the path to improve your self-esteem. When you are dealing with low self-esteem the person you see in the mirror is not an accurate image of the person you are or could be.

Step-2: Judge Yourself Based On Your Personal Merits

To improve your self-esteem you have to break the cycle of self-degradation because then and only then will you begin to see yourself accurately, the way that you see others.

Judging and rejecting any part of yourself can be enormously painful but mentally and physically.

Step-3: Take An Accurate Self-Assessment.
To create an accurate self-description you have to start with accurate data and if you currently have feelings of low self-worth you will not treat yourself in an honest manner.

To improve your self-esteem you need to go over your list with an unbiased person, someone that will be honest with you so what you have in the end is an accurate description of yourself.

Step-4: A Commitment to Personal Improvement.
You have to carry that list with you wherever you go and if you start to feel inadequate when you are around others all you have to do pull out your list and read through your strengths until you begin to feel better.

If you really want to improve your self-esteem you have to make a commitment to choose just one of your weaknesses from your list and take steps to improving that area of your life.

Step-5: The Form of Compassion.
We really can be our worst enemy at times. When we are at our most vulnerable point what do we have a tendency to do?

If you want to improve your self-esteem you have to be kind to yourself, show yourself some compassion.
You are not an idiot because you made a mistake and you’re certainly not stupid, I mean come on how stupid can you be, you’re reading my site :) Did you smile, at least a little smile?

Step-6: Setting Goals and Working to Achieve Them
Nothing will do more damage to your self-esteem then the lack of forward progress in life.
Setting goals for your life will give you something to look forward to and when you achieve one of those goals you will just naturally improve your self-esteem.

Step-7: take Actionable Planning
It’s up to you to set some achievable goals and to set some that are not a sure thing. You will improve your self-esteem with every milestone you reach along the way.

You must get in the habit of making things happen in your life, don’t sit around waiting and hoping that something will happen get out there and make it happen.

Step-8: Visualization To Improve Your Self-Esteem:
Through visualization you can improve your self-esteem, strengthen your self-worth and build the confidence to set and achieve your goals.
Visualization has been used for centuries by people from all cultures


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