Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Use the "Heavy" Weights
It can be intimidating to venture out onto the weight room floor, especially when it's full of bodybuilding types throwing weights around. But you aren't doing yourself any favors by staying in the corner with those little pink dumbbells!
"You have two types of muscle fibers: slow and fast. If you don't use heavier weights, you neglect an entire set of muscle fibers, namely the fast fibers, which are important for moving quickly, lifting weighty objects

Use Your Upper Body Enough During Cardio Sessions
Does your typical cardio session always involve the treadmill, stationary bike, or stair stepper? You may not be burning as many calories as you could be, Olson says. "Using your upper-body muscles more can up your total calorie count and will help you develop better endurance. Athletes with the fittest cardiovascular systems are total-body, aerobic athletes such as cross country skiers and swimmers (movements which use both the arms and the legs).

Have a Plan
Do you want to lose 10 pounds, run a 5K, or become more flexible? "There are special workout plans for each of the above, and they are not interchangeable—there is no "one exercise-fits-all" program," Olson says. "If you do not have a plan to address your greatest fitness needs and desires, you can stall results and actually create changes you do not need or that might not even be appropriate for you."

Do Eccentric Exercises
We like to work the muscles we can see in the mirror (like our abs), but we can't ignore our backsides, especially the muscles around our spine, Olson says. For example, we tend to crunch, curl, and shorten our abs, but it's also important to try some eccentric movements to help balance out the strength of those muscles during "lengthening" movements.

Do Unilateral Training
Every time you use a leg press, leg curl, or leg extension machine at the gym, you work both legs together at same the time. The problem? This could be causing some muscular imbalances in your body, according to Olson.

Don’t  Leave Without Stretching
Skipping a post-workout stretch is the most common mistake exercisers make, Olson says. After, not before, your workout is the perfect time to stretch, as your muscles are warm and flowing with oxygen-rich blood.

All adults should be stretching at least three times a week, Olson says. Stretch the front side of your body first, since tighter muscles on the front of the body can reduce flexibility in the back of your body. For example, if your hip flexors are tight, your hamstrings will have limited flexibility.

Change Direction
Changing your direction is another great way to mix up your cardio workouts for better results. If you always move forward on the treadmill, elliptical, or bike, try moving sideways and backwards too,

Stability Ball Pelvic Tilt Crunch
 Stability Ball Pelvic Tilt Crunch
Walk the Plank and Rotate
 Walk the Plank and Rotate
Arm Pull Over Straight-Leg Crunch
 Arm Pull Over Straight-Leg Crunch
The Matrix
 The Matrix
Nose-to-Knee Crunch
 Nose-to-Knee Crunch
Prone Oblique Roll
 Prone Oblique Roll
Back Extension Rear Leg Raise
 Back Extension Rear Leg Raise

Myths and Facts about skin care is pretty much trusted by women, usually women more confidence to the myth than fact. We are here to give 4 tips about myths and facts about skin care.

1. Using Sunscreen

Skin care myth and Facts Myths and Facts About Skin CareMyths about using sunscreen skin care done by women using sunscreen from the beach. While the fact is that the skin needs a special cream for skin care is a form of sunscreen exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. In all the years not only in the summer but on overcast days when the sun shines, you still need it for skin care. And according to experts, the cloud can not withstand UV radiation emitted by the sun earth.
2. Drinking Water

 drinking water skin care myth e1325002467233 Myths and Facts About Skin Care
Myths of skin care by drinking three glasses of water a day is needed to maintain skin hydration. This fact in skin care is the most concerning thing is not how much water you drink, but how much water can be retained by the body as a liquid that is able to keep the skin moist. And the secret is you drink according to the pattern that you apply yourself. You can also eat foods such as soy, spinach, eggs, and salmon that are useful to hold water.

3. Using Products That Appreciating Expensive
 myths about sunscreen Myths and Facts About Skin Care
Myths that are popular right now that is expensive skin care products, because many women who think if wearing skin-care products are expensive about providing the best results. In fact the price of expensive products for skin care is not a reflection for a perfect result. Of course, many women who argue that the products with high prices must contain ingredients that magical quality that can make the skin look very stunning. But, according to us it’s not 100 percent correct. The truth, that is if the product is suitable for your skin care, that’s the best new products and in spite of high prices. Although expensive product, but no match is certainly buakn is the best result.

4. Skin Care for Oily Skin vs moisturizer
 Myths and facts about skin care apply sunscreen Myths and Facts About Skin Care
Myth is oily skin moisturizing creams do not require as many of them think for oily skin treatment using moisturizing cream gives the skin more oily. And here the fact that oily skin care can make dehydration. Of course, it is often said that an oily skin should avoid the use of lotion. However, owners also need a oily skin moisturizer to keep skin dehisrasi. For that to women who want to maintain the beauty of her skin have to be smart to choose a profitable tips for your skin.

Great legs are for most, the definition of sexiness. Imagine being able to walk into a room in that short skirt or those hot shorts, without worrying about cellulite or unshapely legs? Would you like to have sexier legs? Do you want to turn your soft and chunky legs in to smooth, firm and toned ones? Well it is possible. In this post I am going to show you how to use some simple exercises and diet tips to make your legs sexy.

Even for the thin folk out there, you may be able to get that flat tummy or that perfect butt, but when it comes to your legs they maybe too skinny, or un-toned or just plain out of shape. And let's not forget our old friend – cellulite. Here are some tips to get sexy legs.

Squat Kicks
Squat Kicks
Start in a squat position, rise up, and kick your leg straight out to the side at hip level with your leg. Return to the squat position and kick with the opposite leg. Do 15 on each side.

180 Squat Jumps
From a squat position, jump up and twist 180 degrees in the air so you land (in a squat) facing the opposite direction. Do these for 30 seconds.

Plie Heel Raise
Embrace your inner ballerina with this one: Stand with your feet wide, with your toes and knees turned out as you lower down into a plie squat keeping your knees above your ankles, with your arms extended out to sides (need help balancing? Hold onto a chair). Keep your abs tight in the squat, and lift your heels off the floor for a second before lowering them. Do this 10 times.

Toe Touch Lunge
Stand with your feet hip width apart with your arms at your sides. Lunge back with your right leg, keeping your chest lifted, pressing into your left heel. Reach your fingertips toward your left toes and bend your left knee 90 degrees. Hold this for one second and return to your starting position. Do 10 reps, switch sides, and repeat.

The Switch Jump
Stand with your feet hip width apart and lunge forward with right leg. Hold the lunge with your right knee bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your arms at your sides, push off your right foot using your arms to jump and switch legs, landing with your left leg forward into a lunge. Hold this position for a second, then repeat. Do 10 reps on each side, alternating sides as you jump.

The Kneeling Side Kick
Kneel on the floor and balance on your left knee with your left hand on the floor directly under your left shoulder. Extend your right leg out to the side, with your toes touching floor and your right fingertips behind head. Keeping your right leg straight, kick it forward at hip height, flex your right foot, hold it for a a second. Do 12 reps, switch sides, and repeat.

A sauna works by creating heat of some type upon rocks that are placed in the sauna. This normal type of heat would be known as dry, but if you add water to the heated rocks, you will create steam saunas. Steam saunas will still make you sweat which is one way for the body to release waste toxins that build up in the body, but the steam will also open up airways. Sweating alone will increase circulation and cause the blood vessels to open more, allowing more blood to flow throughout your body which can promote healing. With the added effect steam saunas create, you will not only increase circulation, but open up your sinuses and airways as well.
If you suffer from bronchitis or have tonsil or throat problems, then more than likely steam saunas can help you. The steam that is created in the steam saunas, opens up the throat and airways that can become inflamed and closed off due to bronchitis or other type of virus infections. The steam will also open up pores found in the skin, and promote a further cleansing of the skin. You must remember that when you are in steam saunas, you shouldn't stay inside for long periods of time. The high temperatures in steam saunas can cause your heart rate to increase.
Steam saunas can be great for you, but if you have heart problems of any kind, you need to seek medical advice before entering. More than likely, your doctor will advise against being in one. The heat in steam saunas can cause a stroke, and the cool shower you would take after, can cause an increase in blood pressure. Either one can be life threatening to a heart patient, so keep this in mind before entering steam saunas.

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